Pieter Linde

Back-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Mobile Developer


Pieter Linde
Pieter Linde
Pieter Linde
Pieter Linde

Back-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Mobile Developer



  • FRAMEWORK: iOS Native
  • LANGUAGE: Swift
  • TYPE: Mobile App
  • REASON: DevEx Talk

Created by Pieter Linde

This readme will explain how firebase and Swift (Code) work together

What is this repository for?

  • Quick summary

Create project in Xcode

  • Create project
  • Get the bundle identifier
  • Close Xcode

Create project in Firebase

  • Create project in Firebase
  • Go to project Settings
  • Add a new IOS app
  • Use the bundle identifier you copied from Xcode
  • Remember to remove the database rules
  • Downlaod firebase – > GoogleService-Info.plist
  • Go to file directory in terminal
  • run pod init
  • pod init created new file, go to that file
  • add pod ‘Firebase/Core’ and pod ‘Firebase/Database’
  • back in terminal run ‘pod install’

Open XCode project

  • Go to foulder where xcode solution is stored
  • Click on the new created .xcworkspace file
  • Go to project

Firebase Settings

  • import at the top screen import Firebase import FirebaseDatabase
  • Create refrence to database *var dbRef: DatabaseReference!
  • init firebase FirebaseApp.configure() dbRef = Database.database().reference().child(“swearing”);

Please see source on how to add and view data
